Are you looking for your next great romance read?
Why choose romance generally features one main character with a group of people she just can’t resist. With this type of romance, our heroine doesn’t have to choose between her suitors. She can have them all.
If you’re looking for new why choose, here are just a few books you should be reading.
What happens when you’re living your worst life and just want something different?
Some little girls dream of being princesses and living in far-away castles.
Some little girls dream of being saved by a handsome knight.
Some little girls want to grow up to marry a prince.
I just want to be a vampire.
I don’t think that’s too much to ask, but the tall, dark, and cranky gentlemen who take Eagleton, one of the last remaining human settlements, don’t seem to agree with me.
In fact, they claim that the only way I’ll ever become a vampire is if I give up everything and surrender to them.
Fat chance.
But being a vampire is my destiny, so I’ll have to take every risk, every chance, every shot I get.
I’ll have to do whatever it takes to be bitten by the vampires.
Would you fall in love with a vampire?
Every vampire must sing its song…
I’m just walking through an abandoned house, minding my own business, when – wham! – I’m no longer alone. Instead, I’m thrust into a world I know nothing about, a world I’m not ready for, and a world filled with real, live vampires. Well, I’m not sure that they’re alive, but you know what I mean.
The people who live here in this house – the vamps – are older than me. They’re more experienced than me. They’re…broodier than me.
They also know that when this adventure is over, I’m going to have to make a very hard choice, and I’m just not sure that I’m ready.
Sweet Nightmares: The Vampire’s Melody is a polyamorous, bisexual, open-door steamy book featuring vampires, biting, and lots and lots of fangs. This story includes puns, humor, joking around, pop culture references, and of course, lots of drinking blood.
What happens when the dragons claim you?
My coronation day was supposed to be the most magical day of my life. After all, I’ve been waiting my entire life to become queen. There’s no one better suited to rule over Draco Patriam – Dragon Country – than me.
If you talk to my twin sister, you’ll hear a different story.
This time, Ruby has taken things too far. She’s used magic to keep me out of the magical borders that surround our home.
And she’s separated me from my mates: all four of them.