Top three reasons to read a spicy paranormal romance

If you’ve been looking for reasons to check out your first #spicypnrbook, you’re in luck. While there are an endless amount of reasons to dive into a shifter, vampire, or monster romance, here are the top three reasons you should try one today.

1. You want to read about a love interest with special abilities

Whether you decide to try a spicy paranormal romance book with vampires, shapeshifters, werewolves, monsters, or something else entirely, you’re in for a treat. Almost any paranormal creature is going to have some sort of special ability. This is super fun for authors since it means we get to have our characters do all sorts of crazy stuff. Maybe one of our characters shapeshifts and can’t get back into their human form, or perhaps our characters end up lying to each other about who they really are. Either way, it’s a lot of fun.

Check out shapeshifters who can fly

Check out vampires who are immortal

Check out tigers who can shapeshift

2. You want to read a story with a lot of passion

A good love story has a lot of passion. The right characters fall in love fast and hard and have all sorts of emotions tied up in their stories. They also feel a lot of angst that they aren’t afraid to show. If you’re looking for a passionate sort of story, PNR might be right for you.

Check out a story about a shapeshifter who struggles to control his emotions

Check out a series about fated mates who fall in love

3. You want to read a book where everyone wins in the hottest way

Of course, spicy paranormal romance has something important: the spice! I love any type of romance, but I’m crazy about books where the main characters get their happily ever after – and we get to go along for the ride. Spicy PNR books feature the main characters going to town with the paranormal creature they fell in love with – and you get a front row seat.

Check out a book about polyamorous vampires

Check out a book about a lion who finds his mate

What are you waiting for?

There’s never been a better time to try reading a #spicypnrbook. Get started today.